Job Detail

DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineer
job location


Opening: 22-Dec-2023

Skills Required: Good Understanding of CI/CD, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Bitbucket, Cloud Network

Experience Required: Minimum of 2 Years

Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information, Engineering or another quantitative field

Employment Type: Full Time

Workplace Options: Onsite

Opening Summary

DevOps (Development Operations) is a series of practices and processes that help organisations speed up and automate aspects of developing, testing, releasing and updating software. These practices help organizations manage the development, tools deployment, integrated testing, and assistance with increased productivity and speed. At the same time, they bring the critical elements of continuous integration and continuous deployment to the DevOps engineers sole responsibility. DevOps engineers are responsible for facilitating this by combining technical expertise with project management and communication skills.


  • Bachelors or Master degree in computer science, information systems, or related
  • Strong working experience in Python and Bash
  • 2-3 year of experience as a DevOps over the public cloud (AWS, GCP)
  • Good Knowledge of security principles (Cloud)
  • Good knowledge of application networking and troubleshooting
  • Understand continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI + CD)
  • Experience with AWS cloud platform (Cloudformation, Lambda, API-Gateway, IAM Roles and Policy, ECS, ELB, SNS, SQS, RDS, VPC and few more other services based on the resources we are using)
  • Cloud Security (Private Links, Private endpoints, Waf, Security group and ACL, Resource policy)
  • Cloud Network (GCP and AWS, - VPC, VPN, Route53, Private and Public zone, Peering and Routing)
  • Experience with Google cloud platform (GCP Kubernetes, Cloudfunction, CloudSQL, VPC, Hybrid VPN, IAM, Roles, Services accounts, Bucket, PubSub)
  • Knowledge of containerization technologies - Docker, Kubernetes
  • Knowledge of tradeoffs among PaaS, CaaS and IaaS cloud-based solutions
  • Basic knowledge of NoSQL database
  • Has setup CI/CD pipelines (AWS Code pipeline, Jenkins)
  • Understanding of Source code management tools (Codecommit, Bitbucket)
  • Code Vulnerability
  • Few other DevOps tools (Ansible, Terraform)


  • Understanding customer requirements and project KPIs
  • Implementing various development, testing, automation tools, and IT infrastructure
  • Planning the team structure, activities, and involvement in project management activities.
  • Managing stakeholders and external interfaces
  • Setting up tools and required infrastructure
  • Defining and setting development, test, release, update, and support processes for DevOps operation
  • Have the technical skill to review, verify, and validate the software code developed in the project.
  • Troubleshooting techniques and fixing the code bugs
  • Monitoring the processes during the entire lifecycle for its adherence and updating or creating new processes for improvement and minimizing the wastage
  • Encouraging and building automated processes wherever possible
  • Identifying and deploying cybersecurity measures by continuously performing vulnerability assessment and risk management
  • Incidence management and root cause analysis
  • Coordination and communication within the team and with customers
  • Selecting and deploying appropriate CI/CD tools
  • Strive for continuous improvement and build continuous integration, continuous development, and constant deployment pipeline (CI/CD Pipeline)
  • Mentoring and guiding the team members
  • Monitoring and measuring customer experience and KPIs
  • Managing periodic reporting on the progress to the management and the customer


  • Joining time should not be longer than 15 days.